Sunday, September 12, 2010

Discovering Lemurian Crystals

Recently a woman came up to me and asked if the tangerine quartz cluster in her hand was a Lemurian Dream Tangerine Quartz. I professed I didn't know too much about the Lemurian Seed crystals and have been confused by all I've read. It looked like a Lemurian Seed crystal by the horizontal striations on the sides, but when I looked at many of the single clear quartz points around it that were not labeled "Lemurian," they had striations as well. Were they all Lemurian and just not labeled as such? I knew it was time to do some of my own research to find out.
I discovered that Lemurian Seed crystals were found in Brazil around 1999/2000. Normally quartz points are mined in cluster forms, but these Lemurian Seed crystals were lying in a separate bed of sand, unattached to clusters.
So how do we recognize Lemurian crystals at a glance? After reading many descriptions and going by various resources, my definition of a Lemurian Seed crystal is: a single standing, "frosty or milky" quartz with numerous deep horizontal striations. They can have a natural golden or pink glow.
Horizontal striations can appear on many quartz pieces but it is the "numerous deep" part that I find is the key to whether it is a Lemurian Seed crystal. After doing my research, I discovered that my "Soulmate" crystal is actually a Lemurian Soulmate crystal. You can see and feel the grooves on all sides of the crystal - like a non-gritty sandpaper feel - while the top is clear and smooth. Despite the fact a Soulmate is two crystals growing together, it still would be described as a single standing crystal - not a cluster.
Also going by the description above, I found that my Recordkeeper single quartz point could be a Lemurian Seed crystal. The striations are not as deep as the Soulmate crystal, but you can definitely see and feel them. It also isn't as milky looking as the Soulmate crystal but does have a "foggy" look. However, going by the descriptions I've read about Recordkeepers, it would be an Atlantian (or Atlantean) Recordkeeper because it only has triangles on its face and no upside down triangles on its sides.
Referring back to the Tangerine Quartz cluster that the young woman held, I don't believe it was a Lemurian Dream Tangerine Quartz for the following physical reasons:
#1 It was a cluster and not a single piece.
#2 The striations on the side were not as numerous or deep as you would expect a Lemurian to have.
#3 I have not found anyone offering or selling Lemurian Tangerine Quartz clusters (although this piece did come directly from a mine in Brazil).
#4 Dream Quartz contains Epidote and/or Actinolite & Prehnite which this cluster did not have.
The best way to know about a crystal is to work with the crystals on a personal basis. If you believe in the existence of Atlantis and Lemuria (Mu), then you may be more aware of energy linked to those lost civilizations and can identify such stones. No matter what a stone is labeled or what metaphysical properties others say it may have, only by working with the stones will you have a personal understanding of them. Their vibrations are as unique as we are, and we all interact with them differently.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Stones for Study and Crystals for Concentration

Stress is not just for adults, children feel it too! Peer pressure can create a host of emotional, mental and physical issues that will affect their study and absorption of knowledge. Learning disabilities can make school pure torture for some children!

Very soon students will be going back to school and some people have asked me what gemstones would help them. There are quite a few gemstones that will help in different situations and you will need to see which gemstones resonate best with your body or spirit, for each of us reacts differently to each stone's vibration.

Let's start with stress - one of the leading contributors to health issues and learning blockages. There are a variety of stones for stress: Snowflake Obsidian, Kunzite, Sugilite and Fluorite are the top vote-getters to calm the nerves. Each has other metaphysical properties that will also work on the students behalf.

Snowflake Obsidian balances the mind, body, and spirit while it calms, soothes and helps to bring focus. It makes the mind more receptive to learning, teaches that mistakes and successes are both valuable lessons and aids in decision making. Mahogany Obsidian has these traits as well as inspiring one to attain their goals and promote intellectual growth, but it is not as effective in cutting through stress.

Kunzite aids focus, meditation and removes stress but also works on self-acceptance, overcoming obstacles and/or challenges while it aids in calming the body and mind during tests.

Sugilite (Luvulite) is a wonderful stone for people with learning difficulties, dyslexia, autism or feeling like a square peg in a round hole world. It promotes harmony with oneself as well as with one's peers. This purple stone will promote cooperation, self-confidence, positive thoughts and actions, calm the nerves while eliminating headaches and combating fatigue. It helps you to understand what is being taught, will facilitate memory retention and inspire you to be a good student.

Fluorite not only reduces stress, but aids with shyness, coordination, balance, self-confidence, concentration, organization and structure while promoting quick thinking and effective decision making. It is a wonderful stone to use for the absorption of information and knowledge.

Rhodochrosite is another crystal that would be good in stressful situations, as it will help to maintain balance and control while at the same time instilling a positive attitude, self-confidence and self-worth. This stone also allows one to retain new information and also allows you to see all sides of a complicated situation or challenge.

Rhodonite helps to maintain balance but also inspires one to achieve their highest potential, while at the same time stimulating unconditional love, confidence and support of one's self and others. It also aids in bringing about a feeling of harmony and cooperation with others.

A really good studying and motivational stone is Mangano Calcite, for it instills a quest for knowledge, brings focus, reduces emotional stress, boosts memory retention while supporting a feeling of self-worth and self-acceptance. Proper nutrition and growth is one other characteristic that this gentle stone promotes.

For the student that is highly challenged and dealing with a lot of negative peer pressure, Gypsum (also known as alabaster or fibrous selenite) will build strength of character through right action and thought. It molds and shapes lovingly, while encouraging growth, quests for knowledge and improvement of intellect.

These stones can be carried in pockets, in book bags, placed next to them on the study table, placed in pieces of jewelry that are worn or they can be made into an elixir by the indirect method of infusion.

Want to create a better study or meditation environment? Place Sulphur and/or Salt Crystal Lamps in the area to increase mental alertness, concentration, reduce stress and create a positive working atmosphere. These two crystals can also help to create a healthy environment. Placing chunks of Rose Quartz and Amethyst around the room would be helpful as well.

Sulphur removes negative thinking, destructive tendencies, willfulness, and distractions of thought and emotions. It promotes reasoning skills and decision making. Sulphur is energizing, inspiring and stimulates the intellect while encouraging perfection of self.

Halite or Salt Crystals Lamps elevate a person's mood while cleansing the air and reducing the negativity. It promotes independence, self-confidence, intelligence, respect, decision making while enhancing insight.

Rose Quartz instills self-worth, self-acceptance, unconditional love, respect, and calms the body, mind and spirit.

Amethyst is known as the overall healer and has wonderful properties for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing. It quiets an over-active mind to alleviate insomnia and aid in sleep. It helps with decision making as it brings clarity of mind and emotions. Concentration, memory retention, and balance of all bodies are other characteristics of this beautiful stone.

These are but a handful of stones that can assist one with higher learner. They can be used individually or in a variety of combinations as needed. Working with gemstones will not only give you more insight into their world, but you'll learn more about yourself as well!

Friday, June 25, 2010

For The Love Of Gemstones

If you are like me, you have had a fascination with gemstones, crystals and the Earth for years but don’t/didn’t understand the connection. I would go into a store and just stare or admire the geodes, clusters, and specimens, always wanting to buy them and bring them home not knowing why. The attraction to gemstones and minerals became so strong that I began my collection without really knowing much about them or really understanding them

Now some people simply collect them for their coloring, their natural looks, their chemical properties, or their monetary value, but I collected them because they made me feel good. Little did I know at that time about their metaphysical properties! I was soon to learn, however, that these little pieces of Earth had their own energy and ideas about what our relationship was going to be!

Many cultures believe that all things have a soul or energy. Though they seem to be dead or unfeeling, gemstones and crystals have energy and vibrations. Don’t believe me - think this is all just a bunch of malarkey? Then how do you explain that watches, computers, and many modern day appliances run on quartz or crystal energy. What is quartz but a gemstone!

Still not convinced? Where do our bodies come from, what are we all made up of? Mother Earth! We all need minerals to live, grow and develop properly. If we are living, breathing energy forms made from the Earth's minerals, then it is only natural to believe we are interconnected to animals, plants and stones.

This blog will be an ongoing and informational discussion about gemstones. We will explore all the different metaphysical aspects of them from astrology, numerology, angelic affiliation, energy & healing properties, as well as making elixirs and more. Please join me on my continuing journey and exploration of these magical stones!